Monday, December 15, 2014

Do Now 12/15

Things that make me want to make this world a better place is when I see people sad or suffering. Some people do not deserve to be in the situations that they are in. In some way I want to make people happy, or forget about any tough times they are going through. Doing this will help myself and others feel better about themselves.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Multimedia Blog Post 12/11

     My favorite restaurant is Sofia's Mediterranean Grill in Hasbrouck Heights, NJ. The food that this restaurant serves is Greek food. My favorite dishes from Sofia's is the Chicken and Greek Salad. Sofia's in Heights is the only restaurant of its kind in the world. It is not a chain restaurant. Click here for their main website!
 This is my favorite restaurant because it is close to my house, they have good food, and the people are always nice there. If this restaurant closed down, I would go to any other Greek restaurant in the area. Other Greek restaurants that are close to us are "Its Geek to Me", "Stamna Greek Tavern" and "A Taste of Greece". 
      The atmosphere of Sofia's is very comfortable and unique. You can either sit inside or outside. The restaurant is small but it does fit a lot of people. You can order your food in the restaurant, order it to go, or just call and pick it up.  This is the best restaurant I have ever been to. If you never tried it, I definitely recommend it. Click here for Sofia's menu!

Click here for directions to Sofia's!

Click here for a video on Greek Salad

Click Here for a video on Tzatziki Sauce

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Discussion Questions 12/10

1. I selected the sites that I subscribe to because now I will know what is going on in my town, county, and country. I will also know scores and updates about my favorite sports teams.

2. It was easy to find rss feeds because all I did was search the topic I wanted to subscribe to, and put RSS after it.

3. My favorite sites were the dallas cowboys rss because they are my favorite football team.

4. You can also use RSS feeds for school purposes. Your teacher can post information about homework and tests and you can get their RSS feeds.

5. I might continue using RSS feeds because they are an easy way to get all the information that you need in one place.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Tech Article 12/5

                               Tommy Hilfiger is now selling Solar Powered backpacks 

The solar panel jacket has a unique and innovative design featuring a solar pack that charges a battery to keep your mobile devices working while on the go. In direct sunlight, the battery fully charges beyond the capacity of most smartphones. This backpack is sold for $599. 

Click here for the full article 

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Do Now 12/2

     If I were a teacher I would initiate a dance class. It would be a class that students would actually  enjoy. They can get exercise all while having fun. This class can also be an opportunity to meet new people that go to their school.  This class would meet once to twice a week in after school. It is important to have practice a lot because dances can be hard to learn. We can build a dance studio in the school that has a wood floor and a huge mirror.
        The class would have a welcoming atmosphere, and it will have a sound system that allows the dancers to dance to the music. At the end of the year when the class has learned and perfected the dance, we can compete in an actual dance competition. It will show everyone what the students have learned all year. I think that this class will teach students responsibility and self-confidence.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Wiki Dissection & AZ

  1. What is the purpose of this Wiki? The purpose was  to look for and discuss disruptive innovations that are occurring in education and in the classroom.
  2. When was the last post? The last post was in November 7,2007
  3. How was this Wiki created? This wiki was created by a hyperlink of the definition of disruptive technologies. 
  4. What would you add to it? We would add other blogs related to the wiki
  5. What did you learn from it? We learned that objects like Social Networks can be a disruptive technology. 
  6. If you had to create a Wiki with a team, what would be the specific topic (s)? A topic would be a specific topic we are learning about in school. For example Industrial Revolution, or the Bill of rights. 
  7. How can Wikis be used in the classroom or in education? Wikis can be used in school by students editing it. The students can share and collaborate their wikis.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Do Now 11/11

     This weekend we had two extra days off Thursday and Friday for teacher's convention. Both days I had double sessions for cheering in the morning. We practiced a total of four hours each day. We are getting closer to competition season and practice is important. Sunday I went to the senior football game because I coach their cheering team. The football players won the final game of the playoffs, so on Saturday they're going to the Superbowl. After the game I went to practice. 

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Tech Article 11/13

                           Researcher expect we will not need mobile carries by 2020

      Wi-Fi spans entire neighborhoods. Trains, planes and automobiles are Wi-Fi equipped.Cruise ships have Wi-Fi. Calls and texts are now available to be sent over Wi-Fi. Broadband customers that actively use Wi-Fi on a regular basis save more than $30 per month on their wireless bill. In Europe, many cell phone owners have already left their wireless carrier. But Wi-Fi isn't quite widespread enough for most Americans to completely leave their wireless carrier just yet. But researchers defiantly expect it to happen. 

Click here for the full article! 
wifi mobile carrier

Wiki Do Now

1.          How can a wiki be used a current class on your schedule (not this course)? Pick a class and be specific how the class could create and use a Wiki on a regular basis.

               Wikis can be used in Word History because everyone can put in their own pieces of information. Topics in history are endless, so students can elaborate on any topic. They can create Wikis on topics that they are currently learning about, and help each other learn more about the topic.

2.          What are the benefits of using a wiki in class

                   By using wikis in class, you will learn the information by typing it out, or from others' wikis. Peers can help you expand your information on a topic.

3.          How can we create a wiki in this class, what would be contribute to it and how would be utilize it on an on-going basis?

                 We can create Wikis on certain tech topics. We can look up information about a products or process and put that into a wiki. As new information comes out, we can add to it. 

4.  What experience do you have using or creating wikis?

       In 7th grade when I last took this class, we worked with wikis

Monday, October 27, 2014

Do Now: 10/27

Presentation means presenting something to a specific audience or group. During the presentation, you explain details of what you are presenting and try to inform your audience about what you are talking about. Important things to do is speak loud and  clear and make eye contact.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Tech Article 10/24

                                     Apple launches Apple Pay

Started on Monday, you can pay for stuff with your iPhone 6. Almost 500 banks will support Apple pay. Apple has also signed on retailers including Bloomingdale's, Macy's, McDonald's, Staples, and Whole Foods. Apple Pay will let iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus owners spend money at participating stores simply by using their phones' fingerprint scanner and holding the device up to the register. Click Here for the full article

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Tech Article 10/10

                                          How to find out if your used iPhone has been stolen

            If you are buying a used iPhone on websites like Ebay or Craigslist, there can be a chance that your "new" used iPhone could be stolen. To avoid this situation, Apple has created an online tool that lets people check if their iPhone has been remotely wiped by its owner. When people get their phones stolen, they likely would enable iCloud's "Find my iPhone" feature. This new tool will prevent anyone from getting stolen iPhones from online.

                             For the full article Click here

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Tech Article 10/3

                                                   Microsoft Introduces new Windows 10 

  •      New Start menu that includes a personalized space for favorite apps, websites, and programs.
  • Apps in windows

  • Multiple desktops: ability to swap between different desktops

  • The "Snap" feature: lets you have 2 apps open at the same time

  • New task view button

                                                Click here for the full article


Monday, September 29, 2014

Do Now 9/29

         An editorial is an article in which the author gives their opinion on a certain topic. In the article that we read, the topic was on Wikipedia. During middle school and high school, almost all of my teachers have told us not to use Wikipedia, or anything related to it. The word "wiki" means edited. Anything on Wikipedia could be published by anyone. Teachers don't want us to use these websites because any of the information put on the websites could be false. After reading this article, my opinion remains the same. Wikipedia is a website you can't trust just because anyone can edit it.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Tech article 9/25

                                                        7 Safety tips from Hackers

      1. Turn off your phone's Wifi and Bluetooth when you don't need it

      2. Use a two-step authorization or a secret code when creating an account

      3. Create a smart password strategy that is not too easy to guess

     4. Use HTTPS on every website

     5.  Put extra security settings on your home Wifi

     6. Don't choose to hide your home wifi

     7. Think twice before you buy internet-connected devices, like baby monitors

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Web 2.0: Multimedia Blog Posting Sem 2_Pre

          This year, one of the classes I am taking is US History 1 with Mrs. Gaven, period two. She is located in room 214. Mrs. Gaven is a very nice teacher and enjoys teaching history. The last time we learned about US history was when we were in eighth grade. When class first started I expected to learn a lot about the wars we were in, our past presidents, and past issues the United States endured. We are currently learning about the Constitution, and how it has shaped and impacted the country we live in today. We are picking apart the different articles in the Constitution and finding the meaning to it. At the end of this lesson we will understand the Constitution thoroughly.
           Mrs. Gaven grades tests and quiz eighty percent,and homework ten percent. It is important to do the work in her class in order to pass her class. We just finished doing a project about our lives. We made a brochure, and in four of the boxes we had to write and illustrate four important stages in our life that shaped you as the person you are today.
       We use a lot of technology in this class. When Mrs. Gaven shows us videos, slideshows, or articles she uses the projector to project them on the board. Another way technology is used are the online textbooks. Mrs. Gaven gave each student a log in we can use to read the textbook online. We can download the pdf file, listen to someone read it out loud, or download the section you want to listen to on an iPod. I think this is helpful for students because you don't have to bring the textbook home with you, and you can just read in online. I think this class is going to be very interesting.

Click here for Mrs. Gaven's website

Click here for the link to the online textbook 


Monday, September 15, 2014

Educational Technology and Copyright Law

         This article about copyright tells you all about the laws and restrictions we have on everything on the internet. Copyright is the United States federal law that protects "original works of ownership" which in include literary, written, dramatic, artistic, musical, and certain types of works.  Almost everything we see through technology has a copyright. Although, images and written works on the internet are allowed to be used in the classroom for educational purposes. Students are allowed to use images online for projects, or anything that relates to education. This benefits students, and teaches them lessons related to technology.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Tech Article 9/12

iPhone 6 and Apple Watch Unveiled

  • The new iPhone 6 has a larger, more thinner aluminum body and glass front that curves around the sides.
  • The original model has a 4.7 inch screen, versus the iPhone 6 plus with a 5.5 inch screen
  • The iPhone 6 has 1 million pixels, and the iPhone 6 plus with 2 million.
  • Colors come in  Gold, silver, and grey
  • New features include 8-megapixel camera, improved battery life, and faster networking LTE
  • Both iPhone 6 come out on September 19th iphone 6.jpg

Click here for the full article