Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Web 2.0: Multimedia Blog Posting Sem 2_Pre

          This year, one of the classes I am taking is US History 1 with Mrs. Gaven, period two. She is located in room 214. Mrs. Gaven is a very nice teacher and enjoys teaching history. The last time we learned about US history was when we were in eighth grade. When class first started I expected to learn a lot about the wars we were in, our past presidents, and past issues the United States endured. We are currently learning about the Constitution, and how it has shaped and impacted the country we live in today. We are picking apart the different articles in the Constitution and finding the meaning to it. At the end of this lesson we will understand the Constitution thoroughly.
           Mrs. Gaven grades tests and quiz eighty percent,and homework ten percent. It is important to do the work in her class in order to pass her class. We just finished doing a project about our lives. We made a brochure, and in four of the boxes we had to write and illustrate four important stages in our life that shaped you as the person you are today.
       We use a lot of technology in this class. When Mrs. Gaven shows us videos, slideshows, or articles she uses the projector to project them on the board. Another way technology is used are the online textbooks. Mrs. Gaven gave each student a log in we can use to read the textbook online. We can download the pdf file, listen to someone read it out loud, or download the section you want to listen to on an iPod. I think this is helpful for students because you don't have to bring the textbook home with you, and you can just read in online. I think this class is going to be very interesting.

Click here for Mrs. Gaven's website

Click here for the link to the online textbook 


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