Monday, November 17, 2014

Wiki Dissection & AZ

  1. What is the purpose of this Wiki? The purpose was  to look for and discuss disruptive innovations that are occurring in education and in the classroom.
  2. When was the last post? The last post was in November 7,2007
  3. How was this Wiki created? This wiki was created by a hyperlink of the definition of disruptive technologies. 
  4. What would you add to it? We would add other blogs related to the wiki
  5. What did you learn from it? We learned that objects like Social Networks can be a disruptive technology. 
  6. If you had to create a Wiki with a team, what would be the specific topic (s)? A topic would be a specific topic we are learning about in school. For example Industrial Revolution, or the Bill of rights. 
  7. How can Wikis be used in the classroom or in education? Wikis can be used in school by students editing it. The students can share and collaborate their wikis.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Do Now 11/11

     This weekend we had two extra days off Thursday and Friday for teacher's convention. Both days I had double sessions for cheering in the morning. We practiced a total of four hours each day. We are getting closer to competition season and practice is important. Sunday I went to the senior football game because I coach their cheering team. The football players won the final game of the playoffs, so on Saturday they're going to the Superbowl. After the game I went to practice. 

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Tech Article 11/13

                           Researcher expect we will not need mobile carries by 2020

      Wi-Fi spans entire neighborhoods. Trains, planes and automobiles are Wi-Fi equipped.Cruise ships have Wi-Fi. Calls and texts are now available to be sent over Wi-Fi. Broadband customers that actively use Wi-Fi on a regular basis save more than $30 per month on their wireless bill. In Europe, many cell phone owners have already left their wireless carrier. But Wi-Fi isn't quite widespread enough for most Americans to completely leave their wireless carrier just yet. But researchers defiantly expect it to happen. 

Click here for the full article! 
wifi mobile carrier

Wiki Do Now

1.          How can a wiki be used a current class on your schedule (not this course)? Pick a class and be specific how the class could create and use a Wiki on a regular basis.

               Wikis can be used in Word History because everyone can put in their own pieces of information. Topics in history are endless, so students can elaborate on any topic. They can create Wikis on topics that they are currently learning about, and help each other learn more about the topic.

2.          What are the benefits of using a wiki in class

                   By using wikis in class, you will learn the information by typing it out, or from others' wikis. Peers can help you expand your information on a topic.

3.          How can we create a wiki in this class, what would be contribute to it and how would be utilize it on an on-going basis?

                 We can create Wikis on certain tech topics. We can look up information about a products or process and put that into a wiki. As new information comes out, we can add to it. 

4.  What experience do you have using or creating wikis?

       In 7th grade when I last took this class, we worked with wikis